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Pole Dancer Impersonator

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PostSubject: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 24, 2014 2:11 am

I'm definitely not an MMO player but I like superheroes and after trying out Saints Row 4 last weekend I was looking for a real superhero game (a more recent game than Freedom Force). I was going to try Marvel Heroes for free on steam despite the low rating when I remembered that DC Universe Online no longer requires a subscription.

A free account allows you to level up to 30 and you can have two characters without spending a dime. The system is pretty cool and fast paced and the game encourages players to create different characters to experience the various settings and both sides of the game (you can play as a hero or a villain).

There is a PVP element (which I don't care about). Right now I'm soloing and exploring (which is cool). I started as a hero focusing on gadgets and martial arts with Superman for mentor. Metropolis is not the most exciting location and I didn't pick superspeed or flying which means that at low levels it is taking me longer to get to checkpoints. I tried a villain in Metropolis but I got bored and deleted my second character to start over in Gotham City. My villain is an adept of sorcery (summoning), dual wielding guns and he can fly. His mentor is the Joker and it's much more fun than working for Lex Luthor. I've just met Catwoman in game and was able to work with her for my first dungeon.

So far it seems to be a pretty cool game with great voice talent and so far my only criticism is the lack of in game information (some things are not really obvious for a newcomer like myself) and some connection issues (hopefully that was just a fluke).

I'm enjoying the setting and the fact that players can make their characters look the way they want to (either ridiculous or badass, some players are very creative). There is an in game justification for the existence of so many new superhumans so the lore isn't completely out of the picture.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."

Last edited by Carabas on Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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World Savior

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PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 25, 2014 10:24 pm

I tried to play DCUO, being an enormous fan of comic books. Honestly, I don't like the game. The lack of a significant social element put me off greatly. Due to the game being designed for consoles and the way "shouts" work, it's rare to actually talk to another human being, which annoys me greatly. The world also seems very empty, sparsely populated in terms of both NPCs and other players. The game isn't bad, but in terms of MMOs, I'll have to stick to Guild Wars 2, and I'll have to stick to comic books proper to get my superhero fix.
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Pole Dancer Impersonator

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PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 11:06 am

I get what you're saying. People say the game picks up once you reach level 30 and open up raids and stuff. Right now I don't know if I'll stick to the game. So far I've been treating it as a single player game and it's rather casual. As I'm really not into social elements in games (I have zero friends on Steam) it doesn't bother me at all.

Have you tried playing Freedom Force or X Men Legends 2? Not many good games for superheroes.

EDIT: speaking of old games I forgot Marvel Ultimate Alliance.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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World Savior

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PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 6:56 pm

I'm a lot like you, not really into social elements usually. Most games I play are singe-player only, and I'd much rather play something like TES alone. With MMOs, though, I find it incredibly hard to play without a good group of friends. With a good group, though, I can end up having 500 hours in the game before I know it (happened with Guild Wars 2 and my roleplay guild over the summer).

If you're looking for a fantastic superhero game, there is absolutely only one game that can really do it: inFamous. God knows I adore that series.
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Pole Dancer Impersonator

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PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 26, 2014 10:02 pm

Never heard of InFamous, is it on PC?

I've decided to rename the thread. I'm going to give Marvel Heroes a try. An arpg with superheroes could be fun. Smile

EDIT: Tried a bit of Marvel Heroes with Colossus (I had quite a few characters to choose from including Storm and Captain America but I picked the big guy) and it's a bit easy but I'm curious. It looks like we can unlock extra heroes without paying but it requires some grinding. There is a crafting element that is not bad but the game doesn't make much of the Marvel characters... Basically it could be any reskinned Diablo like and the game would be the same. Some cutscenes are nice and Doom is the main bad guy so I guess it could be worse.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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World Savior

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PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 2:42 am

inFamous is PS3 exclusve. The plot begins as Cole MacGrath, a courier, is caught at ground zero of the explosion of a device he was delivering. He wakes up from it weeks later to find that the explosion gave him powers over electricity, as well as awakening other peoples' powers, turning them into "Conduits", and resulting in a plague that caused the government to quarantine the city and led to the rise of several gangs who now control the streets. The gameplay is basically Grand Theft Auto meets comic books, and it is glorious. The sequel is even better. The games have a disappointingly simplistic "good or evil" morality mechanic, but it actually really pays off at the end of the second game, which has an awesome twist, a difficult choice and an amazing ending no matter which side you chose.

There's a third game, inFamous: Second Son, coming out in March, I believe, on PS4. It has a new protagonist and takes place a good bit after the first two games, with Conduits spreading across the country and the government cracking down on them.

I'm a REALLY big fan of comic books, so I would love a real great open-world Marvel game (hopefully based off the comics, not the movies). The closest I've gotten is LEGO Marvel Super-Heroes, which is actually surprisingly good.
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Pole Dancer Impersonator

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PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 3:09 am

LEGO? Really? That's a bit surprising. Razz 

Marvel Heroes is not very exciting. In fact it is a bit boring, the only special attack that I really enjoy is the Fastball Special; Nightcrawler teleports Wolverine so Colossus can hurl him at the enemy. It can't get cooler than that but unfortunately the game is mindless hack and slash.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Enlightened Viewer

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PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 10:08 am

Wot?!? Dissing the LEGO games?!? I've not played them but both my brother and grandson Tom love them. Apparently they are loads of fun and just a blast.

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Superhero Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 4:13 pm

I have InFamous on PS3. It came with the console. I had heard good things about the game. I gave it a try. Unfortunately, I hated it. I played an hour or two. In that time, I disliked the story, I disliked the voice acting and I disliked the controls and gameplay. So yeah, I never played it again.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
- Steven Wright
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Pole Dancer Impersonator

Superhero Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 7:30 pm

That's a lot to dislike...

For the record I've never played a LEGO computer game but I spent most of my childhood playing real LEGO. Smile

I've tried Champions Online but despite the cool looks of heroes it got boring very quickly. I've decided to go back to my old single player games to get my superhero fix (I'll keep in mind the LEGO game though).  Superhero Games 592209 

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Superhero Games Empty
PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitimeMon Jan 27, 2014 7:53 pm

Yessss, legos for the win! I constructed so many multi-coloured houses... Laughing

I never understood the whole "let's do a game of a known movie with legos" type of thing... Rather bizarre to see animated legos. Makes no sense to me...

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
- Steven Wright
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PostSubject: Re: Superhero Games   Superhero Games I_icon_minitime

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