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Pole Dancer Impersonator

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2020 7:50 am

The remastered version of the game is going to be released in September. Depending on the nature of the changes this has the potential to be pretty good (or not).

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Enlightened Viewer

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PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2020 8:43 am

This looks fab.

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Pole Dancer Impersonator

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 12, 2020 5:52 pm

There is an expansion coming next year. The real question is whether they'll fix some of the issues (like level scaling being set the first time you reach a new zone) and if they'll offer a discount for owners of the original (doubtful as EA has nothing to do with the remaster so it's a different publisher).

In any case reviving this franchise is definitely good news.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Blood Red Eagle
Son of Loki
Blood Red Eagle

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 27, 2020 9:51 pm

Cool! Nice to see Koa getting some love. It was a great game. I should get around to finishing it someday...

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Pole Dancer Impersonator

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 27, 2020 10:40 pm

Indeed. We may not be getting a sequel but at least they have an expansion planned.

I'm still curious to see if the game will be worth picking for returning players.

We should be getting a discount but considering the game's troubled history and the fact that they changed publishers and that it was a legal nightmare for years I don't think we will get one.

My real problem is that I've played so much of the game that even a new coat of paint may not make it feel fresh.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Pole Dancer Impersonator

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 03, 2020 6:39 pm

Good news, apparently the game will be on sale with 60% off for existing players of the original.

If the changes are more than skin deep that sounds rather fair especially considering the game's troubled history.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Pole Dancer Impersonator

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PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 09, 2020 2:57 pm

There is a 60% discount on Steam for owners of the original game.

It's also available on Gog with a 10% discount.

It's pretty much the exact same game with slightly improved graphics (nothing mind blowing but a crisper looking game overall) better loot and level scaling and some options to tweak the in game camera (you can change the distance, the height and the field of view).

All in all with the discount it feels like a fair trade especially considering the game had been abandoned and the new publisher is trying to bring back players to the game with a DLC next year and the possibility of a sequel if it does well enough.

You can also grab the Fate Edition which includes the game, the soundtrack and the new DLC which will be released in 2021.

The previous DLC and bonus items are all included with the base game.

Last but not least the game now features a Very Hard difficulty (great for returning players) and some quality of life (for instance the possibility to have up to 8 abilities on the gamepad is great news for PC players who like using a controller).

All in all it's a polished version of a game that definitely deserves a sequel.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Pole Dancer Impersonator

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 11, 2020 12:45 pm

I've been playing a full-time mage on the new very hard difficulty and it's been really fun (my guy is a bit of a crystal cannon, if he gets hit he is very likely to die but he takes mobs with just a few spells). I've skipped blacksmithing and I find the loot seems a lot better than in my memories of playing the original game. The new camera makes following the action a much less cumbersome endeavour.

I've maxed out all settings including supersampling and the graphics look really crisp. The bloom is a bit too heavy for my tastes but let's keep in mind it is a remaster.

I had to make the game use my dedicated graphic card as it used my integrated one by default. That may account for reports of poor performance as the game is really smooth even with everything maxed out.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Doc Maple
Bull Shark

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PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2020 4:13 pm

Interesting, I can't say I'd ever even heard of this one until now.
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Pole Dancer Impersonator

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2020 4:53 pm

It's a fun game and there is a lot to like about it which is why we thought it would be a good idea to have a sub-forum for it. Wink

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Enlightened Viewer

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2020 5:29 pm

The version I've got is on Origin and there doesn't appear to be a generous discount on the Re-Reckoning available there...


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Pole Dancer Impersonator

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2020 5:55 pm

Fudge, the loyalty discount is Steam only unfortunately. EA used to publish the game but now THQ took over and Origin being EA's platform it's a bother (I've got the original game on both Origin and Steam).

You may want to grab the Gog version and go DRM free. There is a 10% discount for now but it does make it a bit expensive for an upgrade...

Personally I'd wait for a sale, there is bound to be one and the game is pretty much the same only prettied up and with some quality of life. I can justify spending €20 on the edition that comes with the DLC and the OST but without the big discount I'd certainly wait for the winter sale.

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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Enlightened Viewer

Re-Reckoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2020 6:02 pm

Yes, I agree that waiting for the Winter sale is my best bet.

However, I doubt I'll get through my humungous backlog of games I still have to play by then. Laughing

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Pole Dancer Impersonator

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PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2020 6:57 pm

I concur! My goal is to play as much of Amalur before Valhalla comes out (I'm a sucker for AC games). Re-Reckoning 58451

"Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional."

"Idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy..."
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PostSubject: Re: Re-Reckoning   Re-Reckoning I_icon_minitime

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