Nakia the Rogue Janitor
| Subject: How Chaos came to Belle Sakura Saloon Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:59 am | |
| This the story of Type O Negative in his own words and not in anyway edited by me. - Quote :
The fledgling Belle Sakura Saloon didn't had enough masculine presences, so Nak asked who could we bring over? Silvery made two suggestions, and one of them had Nakia blinking in shock for a few seconds and then laughing out loud. Sil's handpick would indeed bring an extra edgy personality to the fledgling BSS
Enter Type O Negative, the former Disciple of The Watch. A short-fused, foul-mouthed, self-centered "nature" enthusiast, the former Disciple of The Watch was exactly what the powers that be were looking for to add a colorful personality to this fledgling community.
The powers that be shared history with the former DotW, as all of them originated and got to know each other on another sub-planar community with firm roots in both Law and Order. The lawful, ordered nature of the plane is in direct opposition to the chaotic, unpredictible and most of all, wicked mind of ToN eventually caused clashes with the powers that be of that plane, and for the most part, ToN deemed that the iron-fisted tyrannic PG-rated self-proclaimed "Alpha and Omega" and his handful of tools were a fair price to pay to be a part of an interestingly dysfunctional family.
One day, however... the "Alpha and Omega" and ToN locked horns for the n+1th time, and this time, however, he finally had enough of the "Alpha and Omega" and his tools, and completely stopped posting. For a handful of months, nothing more was heard from ToN, and he pretty much faded into nothingness. Months later, however, tragedy struck. With the void left behind by the tragedy, the former DotW somewhat mended bridges with the community, assuming the mantle of colorful personality. But, even in this turn of events, ToN had been vocal about him being tired of the said plane, and the feeling remained.
Then, one evening, Nakia reached out to Type O Negative in the sub-planar community where they originally got to know each other, basically telling him he had been hand-picked to be part of this new community. ToN accepted the invitation, and from that moment... chaos began to flow into BSS.
[[Slightly edited, as I was Sil's handpick and the changes reflect that --ToN]] |